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Global Optimum

Mar 26, 2019

This episode features:

-How do our values change as we age

-How does empathy shape values

-Why are we so conformist?

-Why we underestimate our risk of corruption

-Why many people argue that death is good/necessary

-How ethical slippery slopes lead to severe moral transgressions

-How evil behavior leads to worse values


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Apply Psychology:

Crane, W. (1887). The Baby's Own Aesop.

Gouveia, V. V., Vione, K. C., Milfont, T. L., & Fischer, R. (2015). Patterns of value change during the life span: Some evidence from a functional approach to values. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(9), 1276-1290.

Paul, L. A. (2014). Transformative experience. OUP Oxford.

Quoidbach, J., Gilbert, D. T., & Wilson, T. D. (2013). The end of history illusion. Science, 339(6115), 96-98.

Shu, L. L., Gino, F., & Bazerman, M. H. (2011). Dishonest deed, clear conscience: When cheating leads to moral disengagement and motivated forgetting. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37(3), 330-349.

Weinstein, N. D. (1980). Unrealistic optimism about future life events. Journal of personality and social psychology39(5), 806.

Welsh, D. T., Ordóñez, L. D., Snyder, D. G., & Christian, M. S. (2015). The slippery slope: How small ethical transgressions pave the way for larger future transgressions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), 114.

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