Nov 27, 2023
I started a new podcast! Here is the blurb: Professor Daniel Gambacorta and Behavior Interventionist Atanah Shannon explore the big questions in science and philosophy. What is consciousness? Do we have free will? Are we living in a simulation??? Find out on the next episode of... The Scientific Worldview.
Dec 10, 2019
This episode features:
-Why does men’s testosterone go down when they fall in love?
-Does “power posing” have any psychological effects?
-What is “humblebragging” and why does it pervade social media?
-Is our preference for democracy really a preference for high status?
-What is self-esteem?
-How to increase...
Nov 26, 2019
This episode features:
-Why does high status reduce creativity?
-How to remain creative as you gain status
-When should you distrust your own moral reasoning?
-How do we come to learn what counts as high status in our culture?
-What are the psychological underpinnings of “inspiration”?
-How to feel less motivated to...
Nov 12, 2019
This episode features:
-How do people behave differently when they are high vs low status?
-How did human social status evolve?
-Should you try to dampen your desire for status?
-Are EAs too credential-focused?
-Is publishing in academic journals overrated?
-Can you get more done by working alone than by starting...
Oct 22, 2019
This episode features:
-How to evaluate your chance of successfully completing difficult projects
-Can you be justified in believing that you are an extraordinary person who can do extraordinary things?
-When to trust the advice of others and when not to
-How to fail faster
-How to judge a project based on how well it...